Government Mandates Approval for Under-Trial AI Deployment: Ensuring Accountability and Transparency


Government Mandates Approval for Under-Trial AI Deployment: Ensuring Accountability and Transparency


In response to recent controversies surrounding Google's AI platform and its comments on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the government has issued a crucial advisory regarding the deployment of under-trial artificial intelligence (AI) models. The advisory, issued by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, aims to ensure accountability, transparency, and compliance with legal frameworks in the deployment of AI technologies.

Advisory Overview

The advisory, issued on March 1, emphasizes the importance of labeling under-trial AI models and preventing the hosting of unlawful content by social media and other platforms. It warns intermediaries and platforms of potential criminal action in case of non-compliance with the guidelines. The advisory underscores the responsibility of all platforms, intermediaries, and enabling software to adhere to the prescribed standards and regulations.

Accountability and Compliance

The advisory holds platforms and intermediaries accountable for any breaches related to the deployment of AI models. It mandates compliance with provisions to avoid penal consequences. This move reflects the government's commitment to upholding legal standards and ensuring that AI technologies are deployed responsibly and ethically.

Response to Controversies

The advisory follows controversies surrounding Google's AI platform, Gemini, and its comments on Prime Minister Modi's policies. Union Minister for Electronics and IT, Rajeev Chandrashekhar, expressed concern over the incident, emphasizing that platforms cannot evade accountability by labeling themselves as under trial or unreliable. He urged platforms to openly disclose and seek consent before deploying AI models on the Indian internet.

Approval Process for AI Deployment

The advisory outlines the process for deploying under-trial or unreliable AI models, requiring platforms to seek approval from the government. It mandates labeling of such models to inform users about their possible fallibility or unreliability. Platforms are advised to deploy AI technologies only after obtaining explicit permission and appropriately informing users about potential inaccuracies.

Ensuring User Consent and Transparency

To enhance transparency, the advisory suggests using a 'consent popup' mechanism to inform users about the fallibility or unreliability of AI-generated outputs. This approach empowers users to make informed decisions regarding the content they engage with online and reinforces the importance of transparency in AI deployment.

Government's Approach

Minister Chandrashekhar clarified that the government's objective is not to control the internet but to ensure a safe and trusted online ecosystem. The advisory aligns with the government's commitment to promoting responsible AI deployment while safeguarding user interests and maintaining legal and ethical standards.

Continuation of Previous Initiatives

The advisory builds upon a previous directive issued on December 26, 2023, which addressed concerns related to deepfakes and misinformation. It reflects the government's proactive approach to addressing emerging challenges in the digital landscape and underscores the importance of ongoing efforts to regulate AI technologies effectively.


The government's advisory on the deployment of under-trial AI models underscores its commitment to promoting accountability, transparency, and compliance in the use of AI technologies. By mandating approval processes, labeling requirements, and user consent mechanisms, the government aims to ensure responsible AI deployment while addressing concerns related to unlawful content and misinformation. As technology continues to evolve, such initiatives play a crucial role in shaping a safe, trusted, and ethical digital environment for all users.

In conclusion, the government's advisory on the deployment of under-trial AI models represents a significant step towards ensuring accountability and transparency in AI technologies. As platforms navigate the complexities of AI deployment, adherence to regulatory frameworks and ethical standards becomes paramount, reflecting the government's commitment to promoting a safe and trusted digital ecosystem for all stakeholders.


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